Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Cereal Girl

She loves a good bowl of cereal. Even on Thanksgiving Day. Cheerios the go to- then Rice and Corn Chex.. Mini Wheats
And on a splurge she may go with Corn Pops.

I shouldn’t say bowl.. more like a box. A sitting and movement routine to take time and prepare.
It’s what she likes to do Independently-and is so very proud.
She gets her bowl, spoon, milk from the fridge and pours her choice until the milk almost overflows. Then happily walks away.... until there is milk showing in the bowl 👀👀 and then she’s back. Cereal now falling to the side of the bowl. She runs off again.
Content. Grounded. Eating Cereal.

Sometimes you just need a simple food choice where you feel settled and at home.
At night as a snack -
The perfect late night dinner for Moms.. the perfect dinner when there is no dinner.
It begins when we place Cheerios on the high-chair table and watch your sweet Toddler scoop them up and finally you get to sit too..
then it’s the quick go to breakfast when their off to grammar school-and NOW you can get your own cereal -you sweet Cheerio girl.

Back to simplicity. It’s these moments that happiness cries out in my kitchen -watching independence grow to someone who worked so hard to learn how to use a spoon.

Let’s invite Simplicity into our world this Holiday Season. Simpleness found in gifts, experiences, and meals. It’s What Ally teaches me everyday. Keep it Simple Mommy!!!
Remember Connection comes when you slow down. Pull back from the crowds and madness and remember—
✨In stillness is where we receive.

Stay Radiant✨❤️✨

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Mother's Summer

The Mother's Summer


Ahhh yes and so we go... slam dunk straight into September with a few weeks of school behind us and finally have the kids in their places for 6 hours. 
Month #9 should be renamed The Mother's Summer..because we know exactly where are kids are for 6 hours a day -And no matter what you do for work -you find yourself with maybe that extra sanity moment. 

That exhale. Smile. Ahh they are at school. Learning. Not watching Sports Center or on the IPAD..You might even grab a 2nd cup of coffee type of morning .. and for that first day or day(s) when they settle in to their school routine we BREATHE. We hear ourselves breathing.. we can notice our breathing. 

And then BOOM-we plunge from laid back summer situations to the edgy mess of back to school routine. And we can't believe it. Here we are again -ready to take on Fall. 
Wait -Can I take my Summer Heart into stretch it into September? ... Fall slowly into this routine instead of feeling like quicksand? 

AND this year I have a senior. Just sounds scary saying it. 
Call it why you want but Time is Flying!!! How did this happen my family, friends and I are all scratching our heads -as the kids are not growing up -suddenly they will turn 18. Even Ally is getting ready watching her favorite Blues Clues 💙episode-Steve goes to College!!!

Back to The Mother's Summer. Inhale. Exhale. Remembering the first day you put them on the bus, the room mothers, the carpools, the birthday parties-
do I /WE remember it all? 
And then during one of my moments of breath... I am humored by author Mary Katharine Bateson who I have been listening to and reading "Composing A Life"..  states
"Rather than a series of interruptions we can see life as improvisational - And we can see our lists of tasks as creative opportunities.. 
We improvise. 
We go to September. 
We feel Fall's flurry. 
We throw our hands in the air. 
Excuse me while I download the common app ...
Take care of aging parents..
Fix my garage door..
Find activities so my sweet girl keeps stimulated 
and learning...
See Friends...
Cook dinner
Do laundry
Eat Healthy
Wake up..
How do I do it ? 
As Mary Katherine Bateson says we use improvisation-
She describes as "Using a high order of skill to go about familiar tasks." And Ladies let me tell you we all do this pretty well. I know some of the best multi-taskers around......
 "Everything is always changing" another favorite meditation teacher Pema Chodren says "Nothing is solid."
So plunge. Or Dip your toe. But let's not forget to float and go slow. We got this Mommas. 

Stay Radiant💕

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Bite Size

OH My August..

How could you not love August ? Still 31 days to savor to soak in all of summers gifts.

In my house.. we forgot about August until we find ourselves arriving to month 9 without our favorite thing -structure. 

Yup for Ally- schedule and structure remain the top priority. But to a young woman who had worked so hard all year and even gone to school during summer -what's wrong with a little break? 

We like to say it's a lighter schedule.. 
THE August schedule. 
My girl and I take in bits and pieces 
Bite size. 
Let's just say we kind of stay on that toddler type schedule. 
You know -from bouncy seat to exersaucer to play gym to stroller type schedule?? 

One thing is for sure. I am Ally's guide and a teacher of sorts .. but I am her mother first. And she wants to be "mommy-ed.. 

She can only withstand so many teacher type situations that involve tasks.. she wants Mom to take her for car rides, out to eat, 
beach it, swimming, make her lunch -and give her hugs and scratches .. (Ally likes to have her hands scratched for sensory reasons)
Leave the behavior stuff for the teachers and she will provide and cooperate!! 

We must do our schedule in bits. 
We take breaks. We need breaks. 
In fact everyone needs a break. 
We call it relax station. 
It's when I can do a ten minute meditation and a quick form of exercise... 
Or sit with iced t -and read the mail
And maybe close my eyes for a sec. 
But I need to make sure -that when Ally breaks -I break. 

Just as when baby sleeps-Mommy sleeps. 
Otherwise there is no self care. As I teach Ally how to regulate herself.. keep a quiet body while shopping, using an indoor voice, and all daily living skills...I also need to stay on top of my own energy.. 
I can't give it all away in one day. I conserve -because in motherhood giving is round the clock .. 
Let's face it Mommy's we as one person cannot do it all in one day. 
Each day we begin. Taking care of our own health, physically and mindfully is the Essential top priority. 

And ... if we hang around and the pickings are slim that day -we let things go, we stay in our summer heart, where we lay low, savor sunny days, stop at farm stands, grab fresh flowers and fruit, take long walks and ...trust...
there's always tomorrow... 
AND then... 
of course September😜... 

xo stay Radiant 

Sunday, March 12, 2017

March Mountain

If you are faced with a mountain you have several options..
You can climb across it to the other side.
You can go around it.
You can dig under it.
You can fly over it.
You can blow it up.
You can pretend it's not there.
You can turn around and go back the way you came.
Or you can stay on the mountain and make it your home.
--Vera Nazarian

Stay Radiant

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Side by Side

Most of my time with Ally, parenting and enjoying time together  is spent sitting
right next to her. See, in order to keep Ally on track there has to be a certain level of prompting from one stage to the next. And many non verbal ques as well. It's been essential for her at school to have supports and reminders. We remind our typical child to do things -to a point where we pretty much nag them.. with Ally in order sometimes for her to finish the task sometimes you have to "hand over hand".. a version of  behaviorist intervention where you actually take the child's hand and move it to the next part of the task. This model specifically can be used in dressing, daily living skills, crafting and teaching simple shopping.
So today I find myself in my usual "sit time with Ally .. I am amazed at how much we can actually accomplish silently almost just by pointing and gesturing sitting side by side.  It becomes a very almost meditative experience using non verbal language as the lead in communicating. By minimizing language -there is less for Ally to follow verbally.. so she can interpret facial cues and share giggles and laughs.. we take out necessary breaks, regroup back to the art table and resume task. We create a rhythm and flow to the valentines we are making. But most of all we connect with each other's eyes -and emotion.. experiencing true joy. Ally tries to escape from the table sometimes as I lead her back with ease. We grow with each of these experiences and gain a mutual respect for each other.. she understands when Mommy needs a break and I respect her breaks -side by side❤

February LOVES💙💙💙
1. Make ❤❤❤ sugar cookies
2. Create and give valentines💕Paint , glitter and stickers!!
3. Long baths -with scented oils and Epsom salts
4. Enbrace Winter Quiet
5. Make home made snowcones😋
6. Make Snow Angels
7. Sit with a stack of magazines
8. Read Books together on summer💙
9. Extend Kindness -create Ripples of it !!
10. Bake homemade bread

Elevate. & Stay Radiant ✨✨✨✨