Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Mother's Summer

The Mother's Summer


Ahhh yes and so we go... slam dunk straight into September with a few weeks of school behind us and finally have the kids in their places for 6 hours. 
Month #9 should be renamed The Mother's Summer..because we know exactly where are kids are for 6 hours a day -And no matter what you do for work -you find yourself with maybe that extra sanity moment. 

That exhale. Smile. Ahh they are at school. Learning. Not watching Sports Center or on the IPAD..You might even grab a 2nd cup of coffee type of morning .. and for that first day or day(s) when they settle in to their school routine we BREATHE. We hear ourselves breathing.. we can notice our breathing. 

And then BOOM-we plunge from laid back summer situations to the edgy mess of back to school routine. And we can't believe it. Here we are again -ready to take on Fall. 
Wait -Can I take my Summer Heart into stretch it into September? ... Fall slowly into this routine instead of feeling like quicksand? 

AND this year I have a senior. Just sounds scary saying it. 
Call it why you want but Time is Flying!!! How did this happen my family, friends and I are all scratching our heads -as the kids are not growing up -suddenly they will turn 18. Even Ally is getting ready watching her favorite Blues Clues 💙episode-Steve goes to College!!!

Back to The Mother's Summer. Inhale. Exhale. Remembering the first day you put them on the bus, the room mothers, the carpools, the birthday parties-
do I /WE remember it all? 
And then during one of my moments of breath... I am humored by author Mary Katharine Bateson who I have been listening to and reading "Composing A Life"..  states
"Rather than a series of interruptions we can see life as improvisational - And we can see our lists of tasks as creative opportunities.. 
We improvise. 
We go to September. 
We feel Fall's flurry. 
We throw our hands in the air. 
Excuse me while I download the common app ...
Take care of aging parents..
Fix my garage door..
Find activities so my sweet girl keeps stimulated 
and learning...
See Friends...
Cook dinner
Do laundry
Eat Healthy
Wake up..
How do I do it ? 
As Mary Katherine Bateson says we use improvisation-
She describes as "Using a high order of skill to go about familiar tasks." And Ladies let me tell you we all do this pretty well. I know some of the best multi-taskers around......
 "Everything is always changing" another favorite meditation teacher Pema Chodren says "Nothing is solid."
So plunge. Or Dip your toe. But let's not forget to float and go slow. We got this Mommas. 

Stay Radiant💕