Sunday, February 12, 2017

Side by Side

Most of my time with Ally, parenting and enjoying time together  is spent sitting
right next to her. See, in order to keep Ally on track there has to be a certain level of prompting from one stage to the next. And many non verbal ques as well. It's been essential for her at school to have supports and reminders. We remind our typical child to do things -to a point where we pretty much nag them.. with Ally in order sometimes for her to finish the task sometimes you have to "hand over hand".. a version of  behaviorist intervention where you actually take the child's hand and move it to the next part of the task. This model specifically can be used in dressing, daily living skills, crafting and teaching simple shopping.
So today I find myself in my usual "sit time with Ally .. I am amazed at how much we can actually accomplish silently almost just by pointing and gesturing sitting side by side.  It becomes a very almost meditative experience using non verbal language as the lead in communicating. By minimizing language -there is less for Ally to follow verbally.. so she can interpret facial cues and share giggles and laughs.. we take out necessary breaks, regroup back to the art table and resume task. We create a rhythm and flow to the valentines we are making. But most of all we connect with each other's eyes -and emotion.. experiencing true joy. Ally tries to escape from the table sometimes as I lead her back with ease. We grow with each of these experiences and gain a mutual respect for each other.. she understands when Mommy needs a break and I respect her breaks -side by side❤

February LOVES💙💙💙
1. Make ❤❤❤ sugar cookies
2. Create and give valentines💕Paint , glitter and stickers!!
3. Long baths -with scented oils and Epsom salts
4. Enbrace Winter Quiet
5. Make home made snowcones😋
6. Make Snow Angels
7. Sit with a stack of magazines
8. Read Books together on summer💙
9. Extend Kindness -create Ripples of it !!
10. Bake homemade bread

Elevate. & Stay Radiant ✨✨✨✨